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A member registered Aug 04, 2019

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I haven't yet. But I'm determined to beat it. 

I absolutely love this game! The puzzles get more challanging with each flower you pick up and this rogue-lite feel that your progress of the previous run wasn't in vain makes for some addicting gameplay. Personally I would have enjoyed jumping via the up-arrow and a slightly slower character movement but that is knitpicking on a very well thought out and executed idea. Great Job!

The idea is great. However the tutorial and (I'm sorry to say this, but) really annoying music overpowered my enjoyment rather quickly. The tutorial also bugged out for me so I didn't get to the end of it. As by the rules of the jam these points do not influence my rating, but are things I think are interesting for you to know and draw conclusions from. Because, like I said, I like the idea and your execution of it was pretty good. Keep up the good work :)

I like the art style and the shooting feels mostly great. However for me a major drawback was the fact that on PC you have to shoot via the 'z' key, which doesn't work that well when using the arrow-keys for directional input. The right control button would have been a better choice in my opinion. Overall a well rounded experience though. With a little more development time I could totally see this as a permanent install on my phone. Great job!